Ape Shall Never Kill Ape / U.N.K.L.E.
Maybe I’m Dead/ Money Mark
Great Five Lakes / Buffalo Daughter
Atomic Moog 2000 / Coldcut
Windy Hill / The Pastels
Homespin Rerun / The High Llamas
Mic Check / Money Mark (Remix)
The Micro Disneycal World Tour / The High Llamas (Remix)
New Music Machine / Buffalo Daughter (Remix)
Clash / The Pastels (Remix)
Count 5,6,7,8. / 小西康陽 (Remix)
Star Fruits Surf Rider / Damon Albarn (Remix)
FREE FALL / U.N.K.L.E. (Remix)
Typewrite Lesson / Coldcut (Remix)
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