Narrator [Uncredited] Virginia Madsen
Written-By [Based Upon Novel By] Frank Herbert
Written-By [Text From Screenplay] David Lynch
2TotoMain Title1:15
3TotoRobot Fight1:18
4TotoLeto's Theme1:43
5TotoThe Box2:37
6TotoThe Floating Fat Man (The Baron)
Voice [Uncredited] Kenneth McMillan
Written-By [Based Upon Novel By] Frank Herbert
Written-By [Text From Screenplay] David Lynch
7TotoTrip To Arrakis2:35
8TotoFirst Attack2:43
9Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois And Roger EnoProphecy Theme
Producer Brian Eno
10TotoDune (Desert Theme)5:30
11TotoPaul Meets Chani3:04
12TotoPrelude (Take My Hand)0:59
13TotoPaul Takes The Water Of Life2:48
14TotoBig Battle3:06
15TotoPaul Kills Feyd1:51
16TotoFinal Dream1:25
17TotoTake My Hand2:35
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