[Disc 1] -Live at CLUB GOODMAN, Tokyo, Jan. 20 & 21, 2018- 1. Whole Lotta Guitars 2. Rush Is Coming 3. Rambling To The Sun Blues 4. Luck Of Communication 5. a.k.a. Country Coast 6. Come Inside (feat. Cozy Kawata) 7. Babylon (feat. Cozy Kawata) 8. Cats In The Cellar (feat. ACE, Shunsuke Ishikawa & Cozy Kawata) 9. Wha Cha Say! (feat. ACE & Shunsuke Ishikawa) 10. Fire After Fire (feat. H.E. Demon Kakka, ACE & Shunsuke Ishikawa)
[Disc 2] -Radio Collective Official Bootleg- 1. Rush Is Coming 2. Odds & Ends (feat. Three River Blues Band) 3. Shake Your Money Maker (feat. Three River Blues Band) 4. No Reason Blues (feat. Three River Blues Band) 5. Same Ol' Song 6. Cats In The Cellar (feat. face to ace) 7. Whole Lotta Guitars 8. Rambling To The Sun Blues 9. I Shall Be Released (feat. face to ace) 10. Brave Man Of An Era 11. Got My Mojo Working (feat. Shinichiro 'Shara' Ishihara) 12. Wind (feat. Keiko Terada & Shinichiro 'Shara' Ishihara) 13. Wha Cha Say! (feat. Shinichiro 'Shara' Ishihara)
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