英語/建築「High Density:Architecture For the Future/高密度:未来のための建築」Eduard Broto著 Links International 2010年発行 6600円+税 413頁 22.3×22.1×4㎝ 1.8㎏ Hardcover
【裏表紙より内容紹介】Various prestigious architects present their most recent creations for apartment buildings, from the most innovative and avant-garde proposals, to those that attempt to create spaces whose personalities adapt to their contents. Conventional vertical dwellings, buildings for specific groups and residential complexes share a common spirit: rigour, imagination and respect for both the persons who will occupy them and the enviroment in which they are located. The works in this book, provide stimulating answers, ingenious solutions, unexpected points of view and proposals that will without doubt influence the conception of residential architecture.
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