1.Just another story 2.Stillness in time 3.Half the man 4.Light years 5.Manifest destiny 6.Kids7Mr Moon 8.Scam 9.Journey to Arnhemland 10.Morning glory 11.Space cowboy
dynamite 収録曲
1.Feels Just Like It Should 2.Dynamite 3.Seven Days In Sunny June 4.Electric Mistress 5.Starchild 6.Loveblind 7.Talullah 8.(Don't) Give Hate A Chance 9.World That He Wants 10.Black Devil Car 11.Hot Tequila Brown 12.Time Won't Wait 13.Give Hate a Chance
rock dust light star 収録曲
1.Rock Dust Light Star 2.White Knuckle Ride 3.Smoke and Mirrors 4.All Good In The Hood 5.Hurtin' 6.Blue Skies 7.Lifeline 8.She's A Fast Persuader 9.Two Completely Different Things 10.Goodbye To My Dancer 11.Never Gonna Be Another 12.Hey Floyd
1.Shake It On 2.Automaton 3.Cloud 9 4.Superfresh 5.Hot Property 6.Something About You 7.Summer Girl 8.Nights Out In The Jungle 9.Dr Buzz 10.We Can Do It 11.Vitamin 12.Carla
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