【出版社より内容紹介】Illegal immigration is a problem to not only a labor importing country but also to a labor exporting country, since the implementation of strict immigration policies, i.e., border patrol and employer sanctions affects both economies. The purpose of this book is to complement previous studies on
deportable aliens. The effects of such enforcement policies on the income or welfare of the foreign (labor exporting) country, the home (labor importing) country, and the combined (global) income of the two countries are examined.
【著者HPより】CHISATO YOSHIDA am Professor of International Economics at Ritsumeikan University , Japan. I am writer also. I obtained his PhD in 1999 from Okayama University and has previously held a position at Okayama University, Japan. My research interests focus on illegal immigration, foreign direct investment and uncertainty. I come from Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture between which is Osaka and Kobe Cities. From May 2000 to May 2001, I acted a visiting researcher on a research laboratory of Professor Alan D. Woodland at the University of Sydney (Australia). Professor Alan D. Woodland has been revised at the University of New South Wales (Australia) currently. He is the author of Illegal Immigration and Economic Welfare, Physica-Verlag, 2000. Reviews: ...this book will encourage young scholars to devote their research efforts to this exciting and promising area of economics.' - C. Dustmann, University College London, UK, Journal of Economics (springer Wien) and The Economics of Illegal Immigration. Chisato Yoshida and Alan D. Woodland. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. ……
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