英語絵本CD付き「Can't Sleep Without Sheep羊がいないと眠れない」Susanna Leonard Hill文 Mike Wohnoutka絵 Walker & Company 2010年 40頁 US$16.99 0.46㎏ 28×25.5×0.9㎝ Hardcover Dustjacket *日本語ガイドのパンフレット(あらすじとボキャブラリー)付き
【内容紹介】Whenever Ava can't sleep, she counts sheep. But Ava takes so long to fall asleep, it's the sheep that are growing tired-until finally, they quit! When the sheep promise to find a replacement that Ava can count on, chaos ensues as chickens, cows, pigs, hippos, and more try their hand at jumping over Ava's fence. Finding the perfectly peaceful replacement for sheep might not be so easy after all. With irresistibly adorable art, this delightful take on a familiar sleep tactic is sure to become a bedtime favorite.
【著者について】・SUSANNA LEONARD HILL is the author of Punxsutawney Phyllis and No Sword Fighting in the House (Junior Library Guild selection). She worked for many years teaching dyslexic students and now spends her time writing and presenting at schools. She lives in New York.
・MIKE WOHNOUTKA is the illustrator of Jack's House, Cowboy Sam and Those Confounded Secrets, and The Wizzy Foot. A graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, Mike lives with his wife and two children in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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