TRS GEMINI The patented TRS Gemini is one of the first scientifically engineered, naturally contoured mobility tools made specifically for targeting the T-spine and other difficult trigger points. While many traditional foam rollers and massage tools are severely limited in these areas, the Gemini's design is the product of more than a year of research, testing, and refinement, creating an entirely new type of precision roller.
This is one of the flagship massaging products developed by The Ready State (formerly MobilityWOD).
WORKS WHERE STANDARD ROLLERS CAN’T Unlike a standard cylindrical roller, where pressure is essentially evenly distributed and the contours of the back are hard to target with precision, the curved shape and divided design of the Gemini allow the user to get more leverage and a better deep tissue massage. Particularly optimized for lumbar and thoracic spine mobility, the Gemini can be used on the floor, against the back of a chair during your work day, or as a precision, hand-held roller. The effect not only loosens tight muscles, but can also help with rehab work and reduce the risk of more serious injury over time.
DURABLE CONSTRUCTION The Gemini is constructed from a thermoplastic elastomer and ABS thermoplastic resin, creating an extremely tough, impact-resistant material that still has the necessary level of give. The deep groove pattern isn’t random, but carefully designed by TRS to create a consistent “grip” for a more optimized, controllable form of myofascial release.
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