ドクター・ジョン&ザ・ナイト・トリッパー - The Namm Show 2016 Dr. John & The Nite Trippers
01. Croker Courtbullion/02. Iko Iko / Shoo Fly (Don't Bother Me)/03. The Monkey Speaks It's Mind/04. How Come My Dog Don't Bark (When You Come Around) /05. Do You Call That A Buddy?/06. Old Settlers (with Jeff Baxter)/07. I Walk On Guilded Splinters/08. Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya-Ya/09. Right Place, Wrong Time /10. Mama & Papa/11. Big Shot/12. Some Women Call Me The Doctor/13. Goin' Back To New Orleans/14. Goodnight Irene/15. Black Widow Spider /16. Big Chief (with Jeff Baxter)/17. Such A Night (with John Lennon Educational Tour Bus students) /18. Outro (with Jeff Baxter and John Lennon Educational Tour Bus students)
The NAMM Show 2016 Imagine Party
: Nissan Grand Plaza Stage, Anaheim Convention Center,
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