■PRODUCTS Published by Associated Publishers and Authors, INC. Evansville, Indiana, Printed in the United States of America, Four Volume Edition
Translated by T. Engelder, J. T. Mueller & W. W. F. Albrecht
A translation of Christliche Dogmatik with an index arranged by subject matter, author, and Bible reference. This set includes three volumes plus a comprehensive index.
Volume 1 addresses the nature and character of theology, Holy Scripture, the doctrine of God, creation, divine providence, angelology, the doctrine of man, sin and evil, and more.
Volume 2 addresses the saving grace of God; the doctrine of Christ, including His deity, humanity, attributes, humiliation, exaltation, and offices; and the application of salvation, including saving faith, conversion, and justification by faith.
Volume 3 addresses sanctification, good works, the Christian life, the means of grace, Law and Gospel, Baptism, the Lord's Supper, the Christian church, the public ministry, eternal election, and eschatology.
(Volume 4) (Index) is arranged by subject matter, author, and Bible reference.
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