英語/英文学「Beowulf:A Likeness/べオウルフ現代語訳」 Raymond Oliver, Marijane Osborn, Randolph Swearer著, Fred C. Robinson序 1990年 Yale University Press発行 0.97㎏ 30.5×22.5×1.7㎝ Hardcover Dustjacket
【カバーより内容紹介】 Beowulf, the primary epic of the English language, is a powerful heroic poem eloquently expressive of the Anglo-Saxon culture that produced it. In this beautiful book a designer, a poet, and a specialist in Anglo-Saxon literature recreate Beowulf for a modern audience. Interweaving evocative images, a new interpretation in verse, and a running commentary that helps clarify the action and setting of the poem as well as the imagery, the book brings new life to this ancient masterpiece.……
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