Trashed Stonehenge 邪神 (Disturbing The Priest) 暗黒 (The Dark) Zero The Hero Digital Bitch 悪魔の落とし子 (Born Again) Hot Line Keep It Warm
ディスク: 2
The Fallen (Previously Unrelesed Album Session Outtake)■ Stonehenge (Extended Version)■ Hot Line★ War Pigs★ 黒い安息日 (Black Sabbath)★ 暗黒 (The Dark)★ Zero The Hero★ Digital Bitch★ Iron Man★ Smoke On The Water★ Paranoid★
■1~2: ボーナストラック
★3~11: Live At The Reading Festival, Saturday August 27th 1983 (BBC Friday Rock Show Broadcast)
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