(2024年 12月 1日 0時 08分 追加) These are two handwritten videos that were actually used in the production of Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind.
At the beginning of the story, the shell of the king insect was discovered in the forest of the rotten sea. Cut of the detonation scene The scene where you kneel and line up explosives along the shell of the king insect. Cut to run down the slope after obtaining the shell of the king insect
There are 2 pieces in total.
As you can judge from the photo, the Nausicae running down is drawn in a small way.
Thank you for your confirmation.
It is a production material from 40 years ago.
This time, as a bonus, I will also attach a copy of Hayao Miyazaki's signature.
[Free shipping]. We will put it in a file, pack it, reinforce it, and ship it by Yu-Pack.
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