1. I Love Lucy
2. Dragnet
3. The Honeymooners
4. Alfred Hitchcock Presents
5. Leave It To Beaver
6. Peter Gunn
7. 77 Sunset Strip
8. Maverick
9. The Flintstones
10. The Andy Griffith Show
11. The Dick Van Dyke Show
12. The Addams Family
13. Gilligans Island
14. Batman
15. The Monkees
16. Bewitched
17. Mission Impossible
18. Hawaii Five 0
19. The Brady Bunch
20. Sesame Street
21. The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson
22. The Mary Tyler Moore Show
23. All In The Family
24. M A S H
25. Happy Days
26. Welcome Back Kotter
27. The Jeffersons
28. Taxi
29. The Muppet Show
30. Laverne And Shirley
31. The Greatest American Hero
32. Dallas
33. Hill Street Blues
34. Miami Vice
35. The Cosby Show
36. Moonlighting
37. Cheers
38. LA Law
39. Thirtysomething
40. The Simpsons
41. NYPD Blue
42. Mad About You
43. Friends
44. Law And Order
45. Ally McBeal
46. Sex And The City
47. The Practice
48. Malcolm In The Middle
49. Alias
50. Six Feet Under
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