英語/造園「ガーデン・デザインの世界/the World of Garden Design: Inspiring Ideas from Around the Globe to Your Backyard 」Susan Dooley & Editors of Garden Design Magazine(著) Chronicle Books:2000年発行 320頁 US$40.00 26×25.3×3.3㎝ 1.94㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket
【内容紹介】The creators of Garden Design magazine, the most luxurious and informative of gardening pulications, are ready to whisk readers away on a journey throught the world's most astounding gardens and shwo how these international ideas can take root in hoem soil. An inspiring dream book as well as an impressive compendium of gardening history and inforamtion, The World of Garden Design offeres the superlative photography that is the award-winning magazine's trademark, beautifully illustrated maps and plans, and a section called "Bringing It Home" which adapts the finest elements of the world's garden styles to home gardens. From the sweeping pastoral landscapes of England and Ireland to the exotic walled gardens of the Mediterranean, from the hot color f the tropics to the venerable aesthetic of the Far East, The World of Garden Design plumbs the fascinating origins of gardening's most essential principles. With its sumptuous photography, garden history, and practical information, The World of Garden Design is the ultimate guide for the true garden-lover. 【著者紹介】Susan Dooley lives and gardens off the coast of Maine. A former editor of the Washington Post Magazine, she writes about gardens for Garden Design, Architectural Digest, and other publications.
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