トマス・アクィナスの定期討論集「悪について」 (悪の研究):
『Disputed questions on virtue :
Quaestio disputata de virtutibus in communi and Quaestio disputata de virtutibus cardinalibus』
Thomas von Aquin (トマス・アクィナス) 著
Ralph McInerny ラテン語からの英訳・序文
St. Augustine's Press 刊
xix, 140 p 24 cm ハードカバー ISBN: 1890318205
During his second stint as regent master of theology at the University of Paris in 1269-1272,
Thomas Aquinas fulfilled the threefold magisterial task:'legere, disputare, praedicare' - to lecture,
to dispute, to preach.
'On Virtues in General' and 'On the Cardinal Virtues' are two series of disputed questions
which date from this period.
In them Thomas, at the height of his powers and under the pressure of the raging dispute
over Aristotle, discusses the central feature of his moral doctrine, virtue.
During the same period was composing his commentrary on Aristotle's 'Nicomachean Ethics'
and completing the moral part of the 'Summa Theologiae'.
These disputed questions are the work of a theologian for whom philosophy was
the necessary prerequisite of his discipline.
Thomas discusses virtue with reference to the definitions of St. Augustine and Aristotle
and develops a distinction between the acquired virtues and the virtues which are
infused into the soul by grace.
The subtle interactions of the natural and supernatural have never been discussed
with more clarity. Justice, prudence, courage, and temperance - the cardinal virtues -
are shown to have both acquired and infused instances.
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