【Disc1】 ├─ 1971 - R.E.O. Speedwagon ├─ 1972 - T.W.O ├─ 1973 - Ridin' The Storm Out ├─ 1974 - Lost In A Dream ├─ 1975 - This Time We Mean It ├─ 1976 - R.E.O ├─ 1977 - Live - You Get What You Play For ├─ 1978 - You Can Tune A Piano, But You Can't Tuna Fish ├─ 1979 - Nine Lives └─ 1980 - A Decade Of Rock And Roll 1970-1980 (2CD)
【Disc2】 ├─ 1980 - Hi Infidelity ├─ 1982 - Good Trouble ├─ 1984 - Wheels Are Turnin' ├─ 1987 - Life As We Know It ├─ 1988 - The Hits ├─ 1990 - The Earth, A Small Man, His Dog And A Chicken ├─ 1991 - The Second Decade Of Rock And Roll 1981-1991 ├─ 1996 - Building The Bridge ├─ 2006 - Hi Infidelity Then Again... Live └─ 2007 - Find Your Own Way Home
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