【内容紹介】According to a recent Time magazine cover story, 15 million Americans include some form of yoga in their fitness regimes-nearly twice as many as five years ago. This healing art balances the mind with the body, incorporating physical strength with mental fitness to reach a place of deep, lasting peace, harmony, and happiness. Christy Turlington discovered yoga at the age of 18 and has been a serious practitioner for 15 years. Lavishly illustrated and suited for practitioners of all levels, Living Yoga explores the eight tenets of yoga, including the various postures. Christy shows readers how to meditate and how to plan one's home according to vastu principles, and provides the names of yoga schools across the country. The book also includes beautiful photos of Christy in positions from basic to advanced. She discusses how to incorporate yoga into your everyday life-no matter how busy you are-and how yoga has made her own life more peaceful through stressful times and events.
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