1. I Don't Need Society
2. Commuter Man
3. Plastique
4. Why
5. Balance Of Terror
6. My Fate To Hate
7. Who Am I
8. Money Stinks
9. Human Waste
10. Yes Ma'am
11. Dennis' Problem
12. Closet Punk
13. Reaganomics
14. Sad To Be
15. War Crimes
16. Busted
17. Draft Me
18. F.R.D.C.
19. Capitalists Suck
20. Misery Loves Company
21. No Sense
22. Blockhead
23. Rather Be Sleeping (VATS Demo)
24. No People (VATS Demo)
25. Snap (Comp)
26. Explorer (Comp)
27. Running Around (VP)
28. Couch Slouch (VP)
29. To Open Closed Doors (VP)
30. Violent Pacification (VP)
31. Radio Interview #1 Part 1
32. We Are US (Demo)
33. I Don't Need Society (Demo)
34. Radio Interview #1 Part 2
35. Blockhead (Demo)
36. Radio Interview #1 Part 3
37. Radio Interview #2 Part 1
38. Commuter Man (Demo)
39. Radio Interview #2 Part 2
40. Yes Ma'am (Live)
41. Nursing Home Blues (Live)
42. Money Stinks (Live)
43. Louie Louie (Live)
44. Radio Interview #2 Part 3
※tracks 01-22 Dirty Rotten LP
※tracks 23-24 Vats Demo
※tracks 25-26 Various Complation
※tracks 27-30 Violent Pacification EP
※tracks 31-36 Radio Interview #1
※tracks 37-44 Radio Interview #2
【CD Enhanced Tracks】
1. I Don't Need Society
2. Reaganomics
3. Commuter Man
4. Plastique / Why
5. Balance Of Terror
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