☆ 内容紹介 ☆
01. E*Rock / Living,Breathing, Etc
02. Normal Position / Ashtray
03. Wren / Drive Down Lines
04. Languis / Nothing I Will Do
05. Airiel / Stratosphere
06. Neeve / 'Stop Laughing'
07. Signer / I was dressed as the ant, you dressed up as a beehive
08. Akt Apart / Lazy
09. Arne Zank / El Rey Gravitas
10. Pop Levi / Rude Kind Of Love
11. Snap Ant / Give Up The Juice
12. Au Revoir Simone / Through the Backyards
13. Textile Ranch / TBA
14. Pandatone / Wondering (Feat. Midori Hamada)
15. Black Moth Super Rainbow / i think it is beautiful that you are 256 colorstoo
16. I Monster / Heaven
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