今回マスターそのままのFlat Transfer Editionとマスタリングが施されたMastered Editionの6枚組仕様となっております。
CD1/4 1. Intro 2. The Song Remains The Same 3. The Rover - Sick Again 4. Nobody's Fault But Mine 5. In My Time of Dying 6. Since I've Been Loving You 7. No Quarter
CD2/5 1. Ten Years Gone 2. The Battle Of Evermore 3. Going To California 4. Mystery Train 5. Black Country Woman 6. Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp 7. White Summer 8. Kashmir
CD3/6 1. Guitar Solo 2. Achilles Last Stand 3. Stairway To Heaven 4. Whole Lotta Love 5. Rock And Roll
Recorded live at Sports Arena, San Diego, California, USA : 19 June 1977
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