ホール&オーツ - Town And Country Club 1990 - Hall & Oates
DISC ONE : 01. Out Of Touch/02. Family Man/03. Say It Isn't So/04. How Does It Feel/05. Kiss On My List/06. Starting Over/07. Everytime You Go Away/08. So Close/09. I Can't Go For That No Can Do/10. Sara Smile/11. She's Gone/12. Rich Girl/13. Wait For Me
DISC TWO : 01. Maneater/02. Adult Education/03. You Make My Dreams Come True/04. Hot Fun In The Summertime/05. What's Going On
[Town And Country Club, London, UK September 5th 1990 :SBD]
Daryl Hall - Guitar & Vocals / John Oates - Guitar & Vocals / Bob Mayo - Keyboards / T-Bone Wolk - Guitar / Mike Braun - Drums / Kasim Sulton - Bass / Charlie DeChant - Saxophone / Eileen Ivers - Violin / Lisa Ivers - Cello
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