★★★ASTROTUNES MUSIC SHOP★★★ ムーンライダーズの12インチEPレコード、「夏の日のオーガズム」 を出品します。 Selling Moon Riders, 12-inch EP record, ''Natsuno Hino Orgasm'' オリジナルリリース / Original release レコード会社品番/Record Company Product #:Canyon Record T.E.N.T C12A0492 ジャンル (Genre):日本ロック / J-Rock アーチストタイプ (Artist Type):バンド / Band リリース年 (Release year) :1986年 ASTROTUNES 管理番号:3863 特記事項 (Notes): あくまで中古品(一部未開封品を除く)ですので神経質な方は入札をお控えください。 We sell used products except for ones stated “unopened”. Do not buy if you expect brand new condition.
□□□ ENGLISH □□□ ★★★ Conditions ★★★★★★★★★★★★ ● Media surface: Excellent condition. Subtle scrubs exist. (Warning) Not tested. There are a little possibilities of noise. Please acknowledging that before betting. ● Sleeve: Foreside is excellent. Minor Dirt(s) exists on back side. ● Inserts (liner notes, lyrics sheet etc, including sleeve attached one.) : Subtle Dirt(s) exists. ● OBI: With Obi. ● Plastic case (only for CDs): This is vinyl disk with no plastic case. ● Other content: None
■ Checking withspecial light which can detect subtle scrub. ■ This will be shipped in a box designed for vinyl records or materials strong enough for protection. Shipping only to Japan address. Shipping will start within 7 days after payment. Shipping cost is on buyers. ■ Items will be packed in a clean plastic bag. ■ All contents are seen in the photos. There is nothing else included.
★★★ About Shipping ★★★★★★★★★★ Shipment will be done in the following methods. ■ LP and other vinyl records (10 inches or larger): => JP Teikeigai Yubin (no tracking) ■ CD (no more then 4) and 7 inch records (no more than 10): => JP ClickPost (with tracking)
如因下列事件引致運送過程中導致貨品毀損、延遲,Jumppoint 皆不負任何責任︰
i. 包裝不穩固或未作加強而引致有破裂、毀損;
ii. 貨品性質為易燃、爆炸、發霉、腐壞、變色等;
iii. 易碎物品沒有標貼上「易碎標籤」;
iv. 無法預知或不可抗力因素,如交通事故、惡劣天氣情況等引起之阻礙或延遲;
v. 收件人聯絡電話不正確或無效等等。