01. survival dAnce ~no no cry more~ (original single chart mix) 02. 恋しさと せつなさと 心強さと 03. My Revolution 04. Good Morning-Call 05. BE TOGETHER <ORIGINAL MIX> 06. 50/50 07. Sweet Planet 08. 愛を今信じていたい 09. TOO SHY SHY BOY! 10. I am 11. The Generation feat.Zeebra, DABO, SIMON 12. Baby baby baby 13. deep GRIND (STRAIGHT RUN) 14. 笑顔が見える場所 ~I WANNA GO~ 15. Close to the night 16. GET INTO YOU SUDDENLY 17. Girls, be ambitious! (Straight Run) 18. In the future 19. I’m Proud (Radio Edit) 20. ふわふわ ふるる 21. FRIENDSHIP 22. THX A LOT (Album Version) 23. a song is born 24. DEPARTURES (RADIO EDIT) 25. Charge & Go! 26. DISCOVERY 27. Celebration ~Music Ribbon ver.~ 28. 22世紀への架け橋 29. futuristic 30. the meaning of peace 31. You & Me 32. EDM TOKYO 2014 feat.KOJI TAMAKI 33. #RUN 34. Throw your laptop on the fire feat.小室哲哉 35. Get Wild 36. YOU ARE THE ONE
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