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1. Real Interval Arithmetic
2. Further Concepts and Properties
3. Interval Evaluation and Range of Real Functions
4. Machine Interval Arithmetic
5. Complex Interval Arithmetic
6. Metric and Absolute Value, and Width in $I(C)$
7. Inclusion of Zeros of a Function of One Real Variable
8. Methods of Simultaneous Inclusion of Real Zeros of Polynomials
9. Methods of Simultaneous Inclusion of Complex Zeros of Polynomials
10. Interval Matrix Operations
11. Fixed Point Iteration for Nonlinear System of Equations
12. Systems of Linear Equations Amenable to Iteration
13. Relaxation Methods
14. Optimality of the Symmetric Single Step Method with Taking
Intersection after Every Component
15. On the Feasibility of the Gaussian for Systems of Equations
with Intervals as Coefficients
16. Hansen's Method