英語/生物/学位論文「Evolutionary Dynamics of a Selfish Gene/利己的遺伝子の進化のダイナミックス」Michiel Van Boven著 Ruksuniversiteit Groningen/フローニンゲン大学:1997年発行(proefschrift/博士論文) 165頁 24×17×0.8㎝ 0.37㎏ Paperback *オランダ語要約付き
【著者紹介】Michiel van Boven’s current research focuses on public health questions relating to influenza A, measles, mumps, pertussis, and varicella. His main interests are with the statistical inference from infectious disease data using dynamical transmission models, and the evolutionary dynamics of host-pathogen interactions.
【Background】Michiel van Boven trained in bioinformatics (MSc Utrecht University 1991) and theoretical population genetics (PhD University of Groningen 1997). After a short postdoctoral stint at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment he moved to the Central Veterinary Institute, where he worked on a variety of topics including the epidemiology of avian influenza, the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance in livestock, and the evolutionary dynamics of host pathogen interactions. In 2007, he was appointed by the Centre for Infectious Disease Control of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
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