1989年 輸入盤 RCA Victor/BMG Classics-0422-2-RG
1.Casablanca - Main Title; The Immigrants; Morocco; Sam, I Thought I Told You Never To Play..., As Time Goes By; Flashback; Rick Remembers Paris; Love Scene; The Airport; Major Strasser's Death; ...The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship.
2.Passage To Marseille - Rescue At Sea
3.The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre - Main Title; The Trek To The Gold; Fool's Gold; The Letter; Finale; The Gold Scatters In The Wind
4.The Big Sleep - Love Themes
5.The Caine Mutiny - March
6.To Have And Have Not - Main Title; Martinique
7.The Two Mrs. Carrolls - Main Title; The Embrace; The Storm; The Poisoned Milk; The Window; Geoffrey's Madness; Finale
8.Sabrina - Main Title; The Larrabee Estate
9.The Left Hand Of God - Love Theme
10.Sahara - Main Title
11.Virginia City - Stagecoach; Love Scene
12.Key Largo - Main Title; The Bridge; McCloud And Mr. Temple; Reminiscence; Morning; Finale
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