CD 1:(Album Presentation)
1.Main Title
2.The Kiss of a Scoundrel / Pursued by Rurales
3.Toast to Friendship
4.Lonely Thoughts / Betrayal and Capture
5.Escape (Parts 1 & 2)
6.To Monterey / The Search
9.To Point of the Devil / Gentle Visitor
10.Dark Thoughts / Necklace and Idea
11.Confession / Confidence Regained
Bonus tracks
13.Alternate Main Title
14.Alternate Finale
CD 2:(Complete Score)
1.Main Title
2.The Getaway / The Kiss of a Scoundrel
3.Pursued by Rurales
4.Toast to Friendship
5.Escape from the Cantina
6.Lonely Thoughts / Betrayal and Capture
7.Escape (Parts 1 & 2)
8.The Search
9.To Monterey
10.Meeting After Five Years
11.Meet My Family / Trouble Among the Four
12.Luisa in Love
13.The Seduction
15.The Informer
16.Dad's Suspicions Allayed1
17.Dad's True Colors
18.To Point of the Devil
19.Gentle Visitor
20.Dark Thoughts / Necklace and Idea
21.Prelude to Rape
22.Luisa's Confession / Confidence Regained
24.Adios Friend / Double Cross / The Ambush
25.Confession of Love
26.Chance to Escape / A Break for Freedom
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