ロバート・プラント&バンド・オブ・ジョイ - Roundhouse 2010t - Robert Plant & Band Of Joy
[Roundhouse, London, UK 29th October 2010 /Broadcast Date: 30th March 2014]
1. Opening 2. Intro 3.Angel Dance 4. House of Cards 5. Please Read the Letter 6. Gallows Pole 7. Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down 8. Monkey 9. Houses of the Holy 10. You Can't Buy My Love 11. Harm's Swift Way 12. Rock and Roll 13. Twelve Gates to the City / Wade in the Water / In My Time of Dying (with London Oriana Choir) 14. And We Bid You Goodnight (with London Oriana Choir) 15. Next Programme Advert (The Doors/Bad Company)
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