ジェイソン・ボーナム - From East To West - Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Experience
DVD 1 : 1. Intro. 2. Rock And Roll 3. Celebration Day 4. Black Dog 5. Home Movies 6. Your Time Is Gonna Come 7. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 8. Dazed And Confused 9. What Is And What Should Never Be 10. The Lemon Song 11. Thank You 12. Moby Dick
DVD 2 : 1. Intermission 2. Home Movies 3. Good Times Bad Times 4. How Many More Times 5. Since I've Been Loving You 6. When The Levee Breaks 7. The Ocean 8. Over The Hills And Far Away 9. I'm Gonna Crawl 10. Jason at O2 Arena 11. Stairway To Heaven 12. Kashmir 13. Whole Lotta Love
[Live at Best Buy Theater, NYC, NY, USA 8th November 2010 : COLOUR NTSC Approx.152min]
CD 1 : 1. Intro. 2. Rock And Roll 3. Celebration Day 4. Black Dog 5. Your Time Is Gonna Come 6. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 7. Dazed And Confused 8. What Is And What Should Never Be 9. The Lemon Song 10. Thank You 11. Moby Dick
CD 2 : 1. MC 2. Good Times Bad Times 3. How Many More Times 4. Since I've Been Loving You 5. When The Levee Breaks 6. The Ocean 7. Over The Hills And Far Away 8. I'm Gonna Crawl 9. Stairway To Heaven 10. Kashmir 11. Whole Lotta Love
[Live at WaMu Theater, Seattle, Washington, USA 27th November 2010 : STEREO SBD]
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