1. Things Have Changed 2. She Belongs To Me 3. Beyond Here Lies Nothin’ 4. What‘ll I Do 5. Duquesne Whistle 6. Melancholy Mood 7. Pay In Blood 8. I’m A Fool To Want You 9. That Lucky Old Sun 10. Tangled Up In Blue 11. High Water (For Charley Patton) 12. Why Try To Change Me Now 13. Early Roman Kings 14. The Night We Called It A Day 15. Spirit On The Water 16. Scarlet Town 17. All Or Nothing At All 18. Long And Wasted Years 19. Autumn Leaves 20. Blowin’ In The Wind 21. Love Sick
[Live at Bunkamura Orchard Hall, Tokyo, Japan 4th April 2016]
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