Disc 1 : 1. What Mama Said 2. Psycho Sam 3. Brush With The Blues 4. Star Cycle 5. Savoy 6. Blast From The East 7. A Day In The Life 8. Declan 9. THX 138 10. The Pump 11. Led Boots 12. Drums Solo
Disc 2 : 1. 'Cause We've Ended As Lovers 2. Space For The Papa 3. Angel (Footsteps) 4. Even Odds 5. You Never Know 6. Blue Wind 7. Band Introductions 8. Where Were You 9. Big Block
[Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan 3rd June 1999]
Jeff Beck - Guitar / Jennifer Batten - Guitar & Guitar-Synthesizer / Randy Hope-Taylor - Bass / Steve Alexander - Drums
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