【内容紹介】Mastering three-dimensional quilling?rolling, scrolling, coiling, and fringing narrow strips of paper to create exquisite designs?is made easy in this informative and inspiring book that includes step-by-step photographs and clear instructions. Explanations on making the basic required coils are provided and five fabulous projects show how to create quirky three-dimensional characters by using specialized paper, a quilling needle, and precision scissors. Projects include making fun finger puppets; a frog with long, lanky legs; a wonderfully curly poodle; a fairy; and an angel.
【著者について】Jane Jenkins is a founding member of the International Quilling Guild, was made Honorary Vice-President for her contribution to quilling, and is the author of Quilling: Techniques and Inspiration. She teaches adult education classes and workshops in quilling and owns a business making and selling paper strips and designs for quilling.
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