【内容紹介】Following the release of her remarkable book Shelter Dogs and Street Dogs, photographer Traer Scott traveled around the United States and Puerto Rico to capture extraordinary and unforgettable images of wild horses in sanctuaries and running free. In this new book, Scott focuses on the horses' current plight and the efforts of the individuals and groups trying to pretext them. Through more than 100 stunning and evocative black-and-white portraits and location photographs, she reveals the intelligent, caring, and protective nature of these wild hoses, and also relates the stories of their daily lives, and of their rescue and rehabilitation. This collection of images will appeal to anyone interested in horses and the welfare of all wild animals.
【著者について】Traer Scott is a fine art photographer with a background in portraiture and animal photography. Her work has been featured in O, Life and People magazines and in the Boston Globe newspaper. She lives in Rhode Island with her husband and two rescue dogs.
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