The Hatherleigh Guides to Mental Health Practice--a must for any professional library! "The guides are a series of volumes prepared for practicing professionals and students in the mental health sciences who are seeking a comprehensive but concise review of recent developments in a number of areas. Each volume is designed as a guide or reference to answer specific questions that can arise whenever mental health services are provided. The topics range from the latest research findings related to specific psychiatric disorders to concrete treatment approaches for various disorders. On the whole, the series is extensively referenced and well indexed, both by subject and name. It includes separate volumes related to specific psychiatric disorders, issues that can arise during therapy (2 volumes), child and adolescent therapy, marriage and family therapy, and vocational and career counseling. A must for any professional library. Graduate students, professionals and practitioners."--S. Hensch, Choice.(Amazon) こちらは精神保健科学の実践専門家や学生向けに作成された一冊のようです。 言語は英語、ペーパーバック版です。 お探しのみなさま、いかがでしょう~?
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