【内容紹介】Featured on an enormously popular 20/20 segment, this heartwarming story tells of William Lishman, a reclusive sculptor, who adopted a gaggle of geese, flew with them in an ultralight glider, and actually taught them to migrate--earning himself the nickname "Father Goose." Optioned for film by Columbia Pictures. 66 color photos.
【ウィキペディアより著者紹介】William Lishman, M.S.M., LL.D. (February 12, 1939 December 30, 2017) was an award-winning sculptor, filmmaker, inventor, naturalist and public speaker, president of William Lishman & Associates Limited, Vice President of Paula Lishman Limited and Chair Emeritus of Operation Migration Inc. Described by the Toronto Star as a "dyslexic, colour-blind, wildly creative sculptor", he died less than two weeks after being diagnosed with leukemia.
Aviation:Lishman was one of a few who pioneered ultra-light aviation in Canada, and was the first Canadian to foot-launch and land a rigid-winged aircraft. In 1988, he became the first person to lead the flight of geese with an aircraft, and in 1993, the first to conduct an aircraft-led migration of birds. His first aircraft was built in 1976, a combination of an Easy Riser hang-glider, a go-kart engine, and a propeller.……
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