英語/数学「Kendall's Library of Statistics: Multivariate Analysis Part1, Distributions, Ordination and Inference/多変量解析Part1分散,順序,推論」W. J. Krzanowski(著), F. H. C. Marriott(著) Edward Arnold 1994年初版発行 目次他9頁+280頁 16.2 x 2 x 24 cm 0.62㎏ Hardcover
【出版社からのコメント】A user-friendly, up-to-date, comprehensive survey concerned with the major techniques of multivariate analysis, focusing on basic methods. The first volume covers such topics as projection pursuit, procrustes methodology and nonlinear and computer-intensive techniques. Includes complete technical details, scores of numerical examples, exercises to illustrate theory and a discussion of available software. Volume two includes topics on discriminant analysis, graphical modeling, latent variable techniques, growth curve models and more. Concludes with a conference of strategic aspects of multivariable analysis.
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