英語/心理学「The Remembering Self: Construction and Accuracy in the Self-Narrative (Emory Symposia in Cognition 6)/記憶する自己:自己物語における構成と正確さ(認知心理学に関するエモリ―大学シンポジウム・シリーズ第6巻)」Ulric Neisserウルリック(アーリック)・ナイサー & Robyn ロビン・フィバッシュ(編) Cambridge University Press刊 1994年初版 目次他11頁+301頁 15.8x2x23.5cm 0.56㎏ Hardcover Dustjacket
【カバー袖より内容紹介】This book brings a surprisingly wide range of intellectual disciplines to bear on the self-narrative and the self. The same ecological/cognitive approach that successfully organized Ulric Neisser's earlier volume on The Perceived Self now relates ideas from the experimental, developmental, and clinical study of memory to insights from post-modernism and literature. Although autobiographical remembering is an essential way of giving meaning to our lives, the memories we construct are never fully consistent and often simply wrong. In the first chapter, Neisser considers the so-called 'false memory syndrome' in this context; other contributors discuss the effects of amnesia, the development of remembering in childhood, the social construction of memory and its alleged self-servingness, and the contrast between literary and psychological models of the self. Jerome Bruner, Peggy Miller, Alan Baddeley, Kenneth Gergen and Daniel Albright are among the contributors to this unusual synthesis.
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